Sonia Osorio

I am committed to supporting what is life-enhancing and enhances the lives of others. For over 20 years, I have supported health, balance and well-being at many levels, and I am equally supported by a community that shares the same view of well-being, that views health as a dynamic balance between the individual, their body and the world that surrounds them, including their social and cultural milieu.

I use an approach integrating naturopathy, therapeutic massage, yoga and meditation to help restore balance and alleviate tension, pain, trauma, and the various manifestations of stress.

I view the practice of health care and my role in teaching, as a form of dynamic dialogue, where body and mind are explored in an individualized and collaborative way as we move in the direction of balance and wholeness. I take into account people’s medical history, family background, professional and social lives, as well as their current physical and emotional state.

Health is also about our relationship with our community and over the years I have worked with individuals in areas related to physical and emotional trauma, substance abuse, women’s health, and gender issues, and I never hesitate to consult with or refer to other colleagues who can support my clients in other ways.


Professional Affiliations

  • National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths (NUPATH)
  • Homéopathes/Therapists Sans Frontières (HTSF – Homeopaths Therapists Without Borders)
  • Association des Naturopathes Professionnels du Québec (ANPQ)
  • Association Can-Américain des massothérapeutes (ACAM)

Government discounts given through the CSST for individuals associated with IVAC (Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels/Association for crime victims compensation), and through the SAAQ (Société des accidents d’automobiles du Québec) following an automobile accident with related injuries.



Professional Affiliations

  • National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths (NUPATH)
  • Homéopathes Terre Sans Frontières (HTSF – Homeopaths Without Borders)
  • Association des Naturopathes Professionnels du Québec (ANPQ)
  • Association Can-Américain des massothérapeutes (ACAM)

Government discounts given through the CSST for individuals associated with IVAC (Indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels/Association for crime victims compensation), and through the SAAQ (Société des accidents d’automobiles du Québec) following an automobile accident with related injuries.



Community Programs 

Gender Creative Kids – Health service provider: supporting health and well-being for gender creative children, their families, schools and communities.

Tiger Lotus Coop  Organization supporting new models of accessible health care: Health care provider and workshop facilitator.

The Pine Collective – Arts and healing community centre: Health care provider, workshop facilitator. Services offered for people with low income and those who face barriers in accessing complementary health care:

Dept. Educational & Counselling Psychology, McGill University  –  Guest lecturer: Meditation Principles & Applications in Therapeutic Settings.

International Congress on Whole Person Care, 2015 – Workshop facilitator: Yoga for self-awareness & well-being.

Contributing author – Mindful Medical Practice: Clinical Narratives and Therapeutic Insights (Springer Press, 2015: Dobkin, Patricia (Ed).

McGill Wellness Seminar – Workshop facilitator: teaching yoga to medical residents for stress-management; Dept. of Medicine, McGill University.

McGill University Outreach Projects & First People’s House –  Workshop facilitator: teaching principles of meditation to help bring awareness to how tension is held in the body-mind and explore how this can be released.

Open Source Birth Project, Concordia University  –  Lecturer/workshop facilitator for grassroots project, providing options in birth control and reproductive health.

Head & Hands  – Facilitator: community program educating youth on safe and healthy birth control options.

Centre for Gender Advocacy –  Guest speaker:  Workshops on natural birth control, fertility awareness, aligning with natural cycles and rhythms for reproductive, sexual and creative health.

Homéopathes terre sans frontières (HTSF – Homeopaths/Therapists Without Borders) –  Board member, Director; Organization promoting collective and integrative approaches to health care, based on epigenetic health models to support individuals, families and communities.

International Congress on Whole Person Care (2013), McGill University  – Workshop facilitator: teaching yoga and mindfulness sessions.

Conference on Hereditary Breast & Ovarian Cancer – Co-presenter: session on mindfulness-based practices.

POWER Camp National – Guest speaker and workshop facilitator: organization supporting young women in taking action towards social change in their lives and communities.

High Performance Camp for First-Nation Teens –  Workshop facilitator: teaching yoga to support youth in academics through physical activity; organized by First Peoples’ House, a support and outreach service for aboriginal students.

Moovjam Festival Yoga instructor: teaching yoga to provide options for children and teens dealing with childhood obesity and depression.

KATIMAVIK–  Yoga instructor: teaching yoga to national youth volunteer group.